Sunday, August 2, 2009

New Beginnings

Zoe is growing up so fast! Half of me is so excited for the new things coming like crawling and stuff like that and the other half of me feels like she was just born yesterday and i want her to stay little and precious for ever. (Because my mom says they dont stay that way for long!) But she is almost already out of size 1 diapers and she just got into them!! Also, i can officially say that Zoe is sleeping through the night!! wahoooooo!!! for the last week she's been going to sleep around 11:30 or 12 at night and doesnt wake up till around 7:00 in the morning!!!! I LOVE HER!!!

Also! Zoe has moved on in the "taking baths" area! She has outgrown the newborn net in her baby tub and took her first bath without it!! I was worried she would fall over or be uncomfortable but she sat up the whole time and seemed to love it!! she was coo'ing and babbling like crazy

The other thing thats new and improved is her gripping and grabbing skills! For one thing, just about every time I'm holding her she finds a way to grab and yank my hair :) and i let her. She's always grabbing on to her shirt or her blanket or if she's in her car seat she's got her hands gripped around the straps. but the cutest things so far is her grabbing her binky out of her mouth and waving in front of her face! its so cute!

Zoe is also getting so much stronger in the legs. If we stand her up and support her balance, she can stand on her own for a while! She likes it too, she always gets so animated everytime!
Then of course her beautiful face is smiling more than ever!! She smiles on command now, well not really command but all you have to do is smile at her and say her name and she'll smile right back everytime :) or if not smiling she'll give some funny facial expression. haha

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